my life is a garden, where i plant the most beautiful flowers

A Beautiful Garden

Gw Nulis Ini Di Paris

Sabtu, Juni 28, 2008 by Dr Pr

Tau ga? Tau ga? gw nulis blog ini sekarang di Paris lowh.. beneran paris bukan di parangtritis atau apaan..hihihihi.. labih tepatnya lagi di tempatnya si Bu Mery yang pada detik gw nulis blog ini lagi masak ayam goreng, ratatui (pokoknya bacanya gitu, nulisnya embuh..hihihi), sama makan nasi, tapi nasi sini rasanya aneh, enakan di indo..miss u..

btw btw ini baru aja pulang dari jalan2 sekitr rumah si Mery, ke Butte Chaumont, taman jogging gt deh, banyak bule bu! ya iyalah lah! hihihihihi

trus seperti biasa pada berfoto2 ga jelas gt, sambil ngegosipin bule2 pada jogging..

tapi rada sebel si bapak yang ntar gw mau tinggalin rumahnya sibuk hr sabtu ini, tapi gw tadi dah sms dia, konfirm lagi tt masalah kunci rumah..

anyway2 deh, ntar mau jalan2 lagi abis maem..dah dulu yah, nanti gw apdet lagi

tata bubye!!!!

Hari Ini Gw Brangkat

Kamis, Juni 26, 2008 by Dr Pr

Hmm.. ntar sore jam 4.30 sore gw brangkat, ke Cengkareng dulu, trus jam 10 malem brangkat ke Paris deh naek Emirates, transit di Dubai..

Setelah kemaren sore, ngasih suvenir ke Marion, soalnya dia mau balik lagi ke Prancis, tugasnya di Jogja udah abis, huhuhuhu, sedihnya, but teknologi udah maju, ketemu ga harus langsung tatap muka, bisa lewat web cam kan?

aduh, tapi deg deg an nih ntar di Paris, dari cerita yang banyak copet di metro sampe orang paris yang katanya pada belagu, but it's ok, namanya juga cari pengalaman kan?

ok2, wish me luck ya!

mungkin buat sebulan kedepan, gw ga ngisi blog ini, soalnya ga tau juga disana, gw dapet internet ga, klo dapet, pasti gw laporin langsun dari TKP! hihihihi

Happy Hols Smua!!

Filed under having 0 komentar  

Rihanna - Take A Bow

Rabu, Juni 18, 2008 by Dr Pr


gw suka bgt lagu ini!!!!!!!!

How bout a round of applause?
Standin ovation...
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

You look so dumb right now
Standin' outside my house
Tryin' to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show
You really had me goin'
But now it's time to go
Curtains finally closin'
That was quite a show
Very entertainin'
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone
(You better hurry up)
Before the sprinklers come on
Talkin' bout "Girl, I love you you're the one..."
This just looks like a re-run
What else is on?

And don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show
You really had me goin'
But now it's time to go
Curtains finally closin'
That was quite a show
Very entertainin'
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow

And the award for the best liar goes to you
For makin' me believe
That you could be
Faithful to me
Let's hear your speech

How bout a round of applause?
Standin' ovation...

But you put on quite a show
You really had me goin'
But now it's time to go
Curtains finally closin'
That was quite a show
Very entertainin'
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow

But it's over now...

Filed under having 2 komentar  

My New Camera (Sony CyberShot DSC W120 Blue)

Selasa, Juni 17, 2008 by Dr Pr

Posting kali ini menanggapi shout out nya mbak Kepam yang nyuruh mas Dikky buat ngeBlog tentang kamera baru gw, jeng jeng jeng jeng

SONY CYBERSHOT DSC W120 BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jadi gini ceritanya, pas hari apa yah tepatnya? hmmm (sambil sibuk mencari-cari nota pembelian) AHA! (lampu menyala) yup ketemu, hari rebo, tanggal 4 Juni 2 minggu yang lalu..

So gini nih, waktu itu beras di rumah abis, trus gw n adik gw jaki alias jalan kaki ke mirota godean, secara cuma jalan 5 menit aja nyampe, jadilah gw cuma make cargo pants abercrombie gw n make kaos putih daleman yang udah berubah warna jadi krem..hihi..

FYI yah, ternyata beras itu mahal loh sekarang, apalagi yg di mirota itu ga ada beras biasa, adanya beras organik, gaya banget kan gw, trus gw bli deh tuh beras organik 3 kilo seharga 24rebu, mahalnya... n gw juga beli coke yang botol plastik..

abis itu kita jalan deh, mau beli bakso depan STM deket rumah gw, eh pas jalan di sepanjang jalan Gejayan itu yang sekarang jadi jalan Afandi, ada toko elektro Simura, n disitu jual kamera..

Gw masuk dong, dengan dandanan gembel, tapi berkelas (tetep) gw nanya2 harga kamera, n ada satu yang lucu, ya si Sony itu, warna biru, harganya 2,1 jeti... udah cuma nanya gw cabut deh..

eh eh eh, pas lagi jalan keluar gw tiba2 berpikir pa gw bli aja sekarang yah, gw kan bawa Visa gw, n secara gw jalannya ama setan yang kali ini nyamar jadi adik gw, jadilah gw dipanas2in buat langsung beli itu kamera, dan akhirnya balik lagi ke toko, n ambil tuh kamera

FYI lagi, ternyata kalo bayar pake kartu kredit Visa, kena charge 2,7%, but dasar orang kaya, so what gitu loh, bayar aja..puih..(sombongnya...ajaran bu Erwin ini).. so terbelilah itu kamera! haha, n yang bikin gw seneng, kan bayarnya pake Visa tambahan punya bokap gw, so gw ga perlu make duit gw! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

ya gapapa lah ya Pah, beliin anaknya kamera kan ga tiap hari..hihihihi.. tetep ya gw...

oh ya, btw bus way nih, si Jeng Erwin kehilangan kameranya, digondol ama lelaki dia yang bernama Andi ke semarang, aduh kasian si Erwin, dan berhubung lagi, sombong kita berdua itu udah mendarah daging dari lahir, tetep kata "puih" mengalir aja, hihih,,, yuk buk, ntar gw anterin beli kamera deh, di Simura aja, yang jaga lucu loh! hahahahha

udah ah, mau blajar, besok ujian nih jam 1 siang, doain ya pak..buk..



Minggu, Juni 15, 2008 by Dr Pr

Iya, judul posting kali ini singkat, waktu, time, temps, kala, apapun bahasanya. Sesuatu yang pasti akan berlalu, lewat, en ga bisa diputer lagi...

Gara2 sms dari Njo2, hari Jumat kemaren, jam 8 malem
"...Dik, kok tb2 uda akir taun ke 3 ye kita? Cpt bgt.. T.T" persis kayak gitu sms dia...


Tiba2 rasanya kaget, seneng, campur sedih. Ya seneng, karena insyaallah bentar lagi bisa jadi dokter, kaget karena kayaknya baru kemaren jadi mahasiswa baru, disuruh ini itu ama senior, ospek en tetek bengek macem2 hal. Dan yang pasti sedih, karena gw bakal pisah sama temen2 gw.

Gimana ga? secara temen2 baik gw di kampus, semua orang malaysia, iya Njo2 orang Indonesia, ada juga temen2 Indonesia gw. Tapi, beberapa yang dari Malaysia, yang notabene temen berbuat kebaikan dan kejahatan selama hidup gw di kampus, bakalan pisah ma gw. Mereka harus pulang ke negara asal mereka..


but, what can i do? seperti kata Nadiah yang selalu gw inget, a good friend doesn't need everyday conversation, as long as it's kept in the heart, true friend will never be apart...

temen2 di kampus, yang selalu gw inget...

Nadiah, temen berbuat kejahatan seringnya, inget banget waktu nyolong poster dilarang merokok dari lab histo..

Geetha, mbak DRAMA QUEEN, tapi yang pasti ga ada orang yang bisa nandingin gaya dia...

Kuden, presiden club menganga, yang punya public phobia...

Pong, sebagai wakil presiden menganga club, yang cuma aku manggil dia mami...

Haneef, yang lucu banget gayanya kalo lagi konsentrasi...

dan masih banyak lagi orang yg ga bisa gw sebutin satu2 disini, yang pasti mereka tahu, dan gw tahu, mereka punya makna di hidup gw...


sedih mode on....

walaupun belum graduation, ga salah kan kalo gw tulis lirik lagunya Vitamin C yang Graduation... cuz we all are friends forever..

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
We would get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come Whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly

Ban Gw Bocor!

Jumat, Juni 13, 2008 by Dr Pr


itu kata pertama yang memulai pagi gw di kampus..tau ga seh lo??? ban mobil gw bocor!!! hishhhh, sebel bgt deh! untungnya udah sampe kampus, so gw parkirin aja dulu...hmmm

ntar deh, habis tutorial mau minjem motornya nadiah, buat manggil mas2 suruh ganti ban mobil gw..


sial bgt sih gw hari ini....


Rabu, Juni 11, 2008 by Dr Pr

Dapet tag, dari Phaik Hsia, yang note bene tag pertama gw (setelah gw kata2in si NK, yang bilang tag buat orang ga ada kerajaan, eh ternyata gw di tag juga! hihi)

So,here goes:

TAG #1
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.

Eight random facts about myself
1. Sometimes, when i get into a bad-facial-skin-day, i use a councelor stick

2. i do shave my armpit hair

3. i always choose 1 size smaller underwear, i feel sexy about it

4. i a prefer sling bag (messenger bag) & tote bag, instead of ugly back pack

5. i am so afraid of height, and for unknown reason, i am afraid to see the sky when i lie down, i think it's gonna fall

6. i have 14 pairs of shoes, 20 bags, and 14 bottles of perfume (what a waste!)

7. i like doraemon and sinchan

8. i hate white milk (vanilla)

TAG #2
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions.

1. What do you want the most now?

2. If you can have one more dream come true, what would it be? choose one: cure the environment from global warming and pollution, a cure for cancer, end wars and violence..
end wars and violence

3. What are you afraid to lose now?
my family

4. Do you believe in being in love forever?
YES I DO!(I'm looking for it rite now)

5. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?

6. What would you do when you're feeling down and depressed?
cry, going out with friends, shopping, and being alone in my room

7. Which type of person do you hate the most?
people who hate me

8. Do you cherish every single of your friendships?
hmm, depends

9. Do you believe in God?

10. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
my family! (thx ma, thx pa!)

11. Do you find it necessary for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
not really

12. What do you want your friends to be like?
to LOVE me!

13. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friends' eyes?
a good, cool, nice, and worthy one!

14. If you can have a change, which part of your character would you like to change?
nothing i wanna change

15. If you're feeling low one day, who will you go to?
my friends

16. Would you die in order to save the ones you love?
maybe yes maybe not

17. What would you do if you've lost everything in one shot?
i'm gonna survive

18. What would u do if your 'friends' are not really your friends anymore?
GOOD, i find it before it's toooooo late!

19. What do you see yourself as in the next 5 years?
a happy rich doctor

20. My question: should i get marry? GILRS ARE SO MATERIALISTIC!

I tag :
1. Njo2
2. Debryna
3. Merry
4. Bayu
5. Ustok
6. Annuar
7. someone i hate (you know who you are!)
8. anyone read this blog