my life is a garden, where i plant the most beautiful flowers

A Beautiful Garden


Rabu, Juni 11, 2008 by Dr Pr

Dapet tag, dari Phaik Hsia, yang note bene tag pertama gw (setelah gw kata2in si NK, yang bilang tag buat orang ga ada kerajaan, eh ternyata gw di tag juga! hihi)

So,here goes:

TAG #1
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.
3. Tag eight people at the end of this post and list their names.

Eight random facts about myself
1. Sometimes, when i get into a bad-facial-skin-day, i use a councelor stick

2. i do shave my armpit hair

3. i always choose 1 size smaller underwear, i feel sexy about it

4. i a prefer sling bag (messenger bag) & tote bag, instead of ugly back pack

5. i am so afraid of height, and for unknown reason, i am afraid to see the sky when i lie down, i think it's gonna fall

6. i have 14 pairs of shoes, 20 bags, and 14 bottles of perfume (what a waste!)

7. i like doraemon and sinchan

8. i hate white milk (vanilla)

TAG #2
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions.

1. What do you want the most now?

2. If you can have one more dream come true, what would it be? choose one: cure the environment from global warming and pollution, a cure for cancer, end wars and violence..
end wars and violence

3. What are you afraid to lose now?
my family

4. Do you believe in being in love forever?
YES I DO!(I'm looking for it rite now)

5. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?

6. What would you do when you're feeling down and depressed?
cry, going out with friends, shopping, and being alone in my room

7. Which type of person do you hate the most?
people who hate me

8. Do you cherish every single of your friendships?
hmm, depends

9. Do you believe in God?

10. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
my family! (thx ma, thx pa!)

11. Do you find it necessary for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
not really

12. What do you want your friends to be like?
to LOVE me!

13. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friends' eyes?
a good, cool, nice, and worthy one!

14. If you can have a change, which part of your character would you like to change?
nothing i wanna change

15. If you're feeling low one day, who will you go to?
my friends

16. Would you die in order to save the ones you love?
maybe yes maybe not

17. What would you do if you've lost everything in one shot?
i'm gonna survive

18. What would u do if your 'friends' are not really your friends anymore?
GOOD, i find it before it's toooooo late!

19. What do you see yourself as in the next 5 years?
a happy rich doctor

20. My question: should i get marry? GILRS ARE SO MATERIALISTIC!

I tag :
1. Njo2
2. Debryna
3. Merry
4. Bayu
5. Ustok
6. Annuar
7. someone i hate (you know who you are!)
8. anyone read this blog

Filed under having  

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