my life is a garden, where i plant the most beautiful flowers

A Beautiful Garden

Am I In Love? or I just Miss "that person"

Jumat, Maret 28, 2008 by Dr Pr

She'll take him to the brink of deliverance
Show him that much
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
So he falls in love to feel that he's falling
She'll let him know his heart
Oh, don't you know it
Oh, don't you know it
That's Shakespeare in love

um um um..i think i feel a love inside my heart, but i don't know yet, to who is this feeling for.. sounds pathetic rite? but, yes it does happen to some people, and some people here include me..hehehe

His bounty's boundless like the sea
His love is endless, just as deep
The more he gives the more he has
`Cause both of them are truly infinite

the more i give, the more i have.. bener banget kata2 itu, semakin banyak gw kasih, semakin banyak yang gw punya, dalam persepsi gw, semakin banyak gw kasih cinta gw, semakin banyak juga cinta dia yang gw punya.. jaman2 dulu nih, waktu mas Dikky masih mencinta dan dicinta (-_-!)..hehe, jadi rasanya itu ga ada hari tanpa nambah rasa sayang ke orang itu, and the truth is, until now, i still feel the same about "that person". Waktu ga akan pernah ngerubah apa yang udah pernah tercipta antara kita.

Mungkin dulu dia pernah bikin salah ke gw, gw yakin juga gw pasti ada salah ke dia. tapi entah kenapa, setiap kali liat dia, pasti rasa sayang yang ada itu ngalahin semua rasa marah gw. bahkan waktu, yang udah 3 tahun misahin kita, ga pernah ngerubah rasa gw ke dia.

Seandainya, dia datang lagi, mungkin banget gw bareng dia lagi. tapi ga mungkin deh kayaknya. dia udah ngelakuin kesalahan besar di keluarga gw, keluarga gw juga udah ga suka dia, yup, but still, im still in love. ga pernah, dan ga akan pernah berubah. dia cinta pertama gw, orang pertama yang bikin gw rela apapun di depan gw diambil, asal bukan dia, semuanya.

Gw sadar, gw dan dia, ga akan pernah bisa bareng, selamanya, kayak pasangan2 laen, ngarep banget gw klo kayak gitu, ada masalah prinsipal yang akan pernah bisa diterima orang lain. Ok, we accept that, i accept that.. But, how can i deny this feeling? it's been 3 years, and "that person" face is still lingering on my dream, cara dia bicara, cara dia tertawa, gw masih inget banget...

`Cause both of them are truly infinite

yep, my love is truly infinite.. tapi sayangnya, ga akan pernah bisa gw nikmatin.. it's a forbidden love, ga boleh gw dapetin, but what can i do? cupid never told me that he would shoot me with his arrow... and i can never take that arrow away from my heart..

to my dearest
to who i spend my night dreaming of
to who i keep my love for
i can't never forgive myself for letting you go
but you shouldn't let me go either
but you did
the time that passed me by
can never blow your smell away
can never bury your smile deep down
because for me, you are my first love
though i never know, am i your first love?
because for me, you painted my sky blue
though i never know,did i paint yours?
i always, and will always miss you
my dearest love

Filed under , having  

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