my life is a garden, where i plant the most beautiful flowers

A Beautiful Garden

A Sanctuary

Rabu, Maret 19, 2008 by Dr Pr

A sanctuary for me, for you
A place to share, to care
A time to loose yourself
A moment to be myself

ya ya ya...semua orang butuh what we call as a sanctuary, it can be anywhere, or it can be anything.. but now, my biggest question is do-i-have-one?

hikss... sedih deh rasanya, terkadang, pengen banget, waktu sedih itu pergi ke suatu tempat, yang bener2 just for me..

ada sih, beberapa tempat, yang pokoknya fave banget buat mas Dikky ketika dirudung duka, tapi apakah ini a sanctuary as what im thinking of?

here you go..

a. di depan kaca : kalo gw lagi sedih, nangis, gw suka aja liat muka gw di kaca, n mikir, what's wrong with me, what have i done, or sumthing like dat..

b. di mall : mungkin aneh, tapi buat gw, ini bisa buat gw tenang, gw pergi sendiri, trus duduk, liat orang lalu lalanag, n sedikit demi sedikit, bersyukur, gw masih bisa hidup..

c. di kamar : sambil duduk di atas kasur, trus liat ke tangan, kaki, n think, what this hand has orady taken, or kemana kaki gw udah melangkah

yah, itu aja sih tempat2 yang mungkin bisa gw bilang my sanctuary, but i wish i could have more than just a mirror, a bed, or a mall to go, i need a sanctuary, a life one, who can talk, can grab my hand when i need it, or even lend the shoulder for me to cry,...huhuhuhu

where is my sanctuary?

Filed under having  

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